Start » Alle wichtigen Magic Termine 2013

Alle wichtigen Magic Termine 2013

Magic the Gathering Logo 2013 - Logo only reads "Magic" and the number 2013

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verstrichene Termine 2013


23.08.2013 Release: FTV:Twenty

30.08.2013 Grand Prix Limited: Prag | Coverage Zusammenfassung


06.09.2013 Release: Duel Decks: Heroes vs. Monsters

07.09.2013 Magic Celebration

14.09.2013 Grand Prix Modern: Detroit

21.09.2013 Prerelease: Theros

27.09.2013 Release: Theros

27.09.2013 Standard Rotation


05.10.2013 Grand Prix Limited: Oklahoma City

05.10.2013 Grand Prix Modern: Brisbane

10.10.2013 Pro Tour Theros Standard/Limited: Dublin

18.10.2013 Release: Theros Event Deck

19.10.2013 Grand Prix Standard: Louisville

19.10.2013 Grand Prix Limited: Hong Kong Theros

26.10.2013 Grand Prix Modern: Antwerpen | coverage


01.11.2013 Release: Commander 2013

02.11.2013 Grand Prix Standard: Santiago | coverage | results

09.11.2013 Grand Prix Limited: Valencia | coverage | results

15.11.2013 Release: Holiday Gift Box

16.11.2013 Grand Prix Legacy: Washington D.C. | coverage | results

23.11.2013 Grand Prix Standard: Albuquerque | coverage | results

23.11.2013 Grand Prix Team Limited: Kyoto | coverage | results

30.11.2013 Grand Prix Limited: Toronto | coverage | results

30.11.2013 Grand Prix Standard: Wien | coverage | results


07.12.2013 Grand Prix Standard: Dallas | coverage | results

21.12.2013 Grand Prix Standard: Shizuoka | coverage | results

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